South Africa produces a large number of graduates, creating a deep talent pool that can fulfil roles across various sectors and disciplines. The growing stream of graduates creates a robust English-speaking capability, positioning the country to service key English-speaking markets, as well as specialist domain skills in law, finance and accounting.
The high unemployment rate also means that there is an abundance of skilled workers, workers who are driven to perform and stay loyal to their employer. As there is no benefits system in place in South Africa, if you don’t work you don’t get paid and if you don't perform, you are out of a job!
Affectionately regarded as ‘The Last Outpost’, a close cultural affinity exists between Durban and the UK
Multitude of English first language schools, colleges and universities
Most prominent English first language city in South Africa
Regarded within the outsourcing world as having the most English ‘neutral’ accent of all global destinations
Highly qualified talent pool. Durban is home to a large talent pool of fluent English-speaking people with neutral accents and high empathy levels (EQ vs IQ)
Quality, attitude, resilience and work ethic of staff
Living costs in Durban are 20% less than the other main outsourcing cities in South Africa
Favourable time-zone
Circa 30 - 40% cost saving due to the favourable £:ZAR exchange rate
Loyal staff with a circa 95% retention rate
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